Is Any Money Good Money? The Effects of IMF Credit on GDP Per Capita
I. Introduction
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a post-world war institution established in 1944 with a
mission to promote international financial stability and help ensure the mitigation of conflicts
caused by economic hardships. Since its founding, the IMF has evolved into a type of ‘lender of
last resort’ to its 190 member countries. With nearly $1 trillion in loan capacity and many types
of loan options,[1] many developing countries depend on the IMF for loans to help fund crisis
relief efforts or consolidate and payoff outstanding sovereign debts owed to other banks,
institutions, or governments.
The structure and terms of these IMF loans can vary depending on the borrower’s financial
health and severity of their debt accumulated from other sources. However, due to the nature of
the IMF mandate to alleviate international financial problem spots, the borrowers who come to
the IMF’s door are typically vulnerable and have been denied funds from most other credit granting
entities. The results of this phenomenon are that IMF loan conditions are known to be
very strict and controlling over the borrower, especially when it comes to certain developing
nations and regions such as South America, Africa, and the Caribbean that are especially prone to
financial insecurity as a legacy of colonization and lack of healthy government regimes.
The IMF holds the power to enforce policy decisions over its borrowers and has been known to
manipulate common tools such as interest rates and net exports in attempts to promote the
probability of loan repayment. These enforced changes can cause drastic shifts in monetary and
public policy doctrines, which then open opportunities for perceived negative changes in the
daily lives of a borrowing nation’s population. From obvious changes such as rising interest rates
causing hardships for a citizenry to obtain personal and private business loans, to far more
complex changes such as a mandatory decrease in net exports changing the types and sources of
food consumed in a county, IMF loan officers run the risk of enforcing ‘off-the-shelf’ conditions
that are neither tailored for a nation’s social landscape or healthy for their long-term growth.
These risks have raised concerns from scholars and advocacy groups that point out case studies
and trends that suggest IMF lending may be causing more detriment than intended on the path
towards debt repayment.
To empirically explore the nature of IMF lending and gain a simplistic analysis of whether the
outcomes of these loans are as beneficial as they are intended to be, panel data from the World
Bank will be utilized to find relationships between nations’ per capita GDP and use of IMF
credit. By merging data on these variables along with controls for inflation, population, and
measures of government health; it is possible to analyze this question using pooled OLS, fixed
effects panel, and random effects panel estimators. After applying controls and robustness
checks, pooled OLS regression results will show that use of IMF credit exhibits statistically
significant and positive effect on GDP per capita when taking into consideration all nations who
use IMF lending. Random effects and fixed effects regression modeling show a statistically
significant negative effect. Comments will be made regarding the validity and conclusions of
both methodological approaches.
II. The Data
The World Bank is an international investment bank that keeps detailed macroeconomic data on
all its 189 member nations, and whose work is complementary to that of the IMF. This is no
coincidence, as both organizations were founded during the post-war era with the shared goal of
promoting peace and stability worldwide. The World Bank focuses on connecting nations with
the investment tools they need for long-term economic growth and sustainability, while the IMF
actions are targeted more towards short-term monetary smoothing in the form of stabilizing
exchange rates and solving sovereign debt problems. The World Bank’s data it collects to aid in
these processes is compiled into one of the largest publicly available datasets on global
macroeconomic trends.[2]
This analysis will pull seven primary variables from this dataset and merge them together by
matching country and year and deleting all observations from aggregate measures to form a
panel dataset measuring the following:
GDP per Capita – Numerical variable that measures nation’s total Gross Domestic Product
divided by midyear population. Measured in USD.
Use of IMF Credit – Numerical variable measuring the aggregated amount of outstanding loans
issued to the nation by the International Monetary Fund. Measured in millions of USD.
Inflation – This variable is expressed as a number in percent form showing the increase in prices
calculated by using the CPI method of comparing a consumer basket to the set base year in each
Population – This variable simply measures the total population of a nation (including all ages
and genders) in millions collected by national level census estimates.
Corruption Control – Captures perception of to what extent public power is used for private
gain. It is also measured as a numerical variable between -2.5 and 2.5 representing standard
deviations away from the world mean. High number represents low corruption and vice versa.
Collected by aggregating survey data across many sources compiled by the Brookings Institute.
Government Effectiveness – This variable captures public perception of quality of government
services and policy implementation. It is a numerical output between -2.5 and 2.5 representing
standard deviations away from the world mean. Higher numbers represent positive government
perception and vice versa. Collected by aggregating survey data across many sources compiled
by the Brookings Institute.
Gini Index – Numerical variable ranging 0-100 that captures a nation’s level of income
inequality. Zero represents perfect equality and 100 represents perfect inequality. Calculated
using the Corrado Gini formula.
The number of observations varies greatly across variables, as measures such as Gini Index,
Corruption Control, and Government Effectiveness are not taken on a yearly basis or in a
methodological manner. Other variables such as GDP Per Capita, Population, and Inflation are
taken on a regular basis and are easily collected and verified. Table 1 shows a detailed
breakdown of each variable’s number of observations summary statistics. Gini Index has the
lowest number of observations at only two thousand, but the importance of this measure along
with its high rate of observation overlap with the other variables makes it justifiable to remain
included in the analysis.
Table 1 goes on to show the average GDP Per Capita is $9,241, the average population is 25
million, and the average usage of accumulated IMF credit is $705 million. Corruption Control
and Government Effectiveness have observed averages close to zero, which is expected as they
measure standard deviations. Variables such as inflation, Use of IMF Credit and GDP Per Capita
take on expansive ranges, while the measurements of government health are much more limited
in scope. Many variables include negative and zero values which make logarithmic
transformations unfeasible for much of the analysis.
III. Preliminary Analysis
To begin the analysis process, simple correlations will be ran before conducting several
variations of OLS regression modeling followed by hypothesis testing in order to parse out initial
findings and areas of significance.
Table 2 shows initial correlations between the variables. The strongest relationship is found
between the two Brookings Institute measures of government health: Corruption Control and
Government Effectiveness. However, with a correlation of 0.714, it is not a necessarily strong
correlation and does not raise concerns of multicollinearity or reveal any meaningful
relationships when analyzing the primary question. No other two variables show correlations
greater than 0.5 in absolute value. Perhaps most importantly, the correlation between GDP Per
Capita and IMF Credit is 0.193, which leaves no substantial claims able to be made off
correlation alone.
Figure 1 shows the initial regression models with the top four iterations displayed. The first
included regression iteration includes only the amount of IMF credit used. This result
immediately shows IMF credit having a positive and statistically significant impact on GDP per
capita, with an interpretable magnitude of a $0.26 average increase in GDP per capita with every
$1 million increase in IMF credit. When common macro measures are included as controls in
iteration two, the same result for IMF credit hold, while also boosting magnitude to a $0.286
increase in GDP per capita for each $1 million in credit. Both controls of inflation and population
also come out significant at the 0.01 level, however their impact on GDP per capita is negative. A
$0.167 decrease is observed with each additional percent increase in prices, and a $0.979
decrease results from each million person increase in population on average.
Iteration three adds the effects of Brooking’s government health measures. The impact of
corruption control is not statistically distinguishable from zero, while the effect of government
effectiveness is significant and positive with each standard deviation increase in quality of
government services resulting in a $2,867 increase in GDP per capita on average. This result is
immense compared to all other magnitudes observed so far. This is likely due to the small range
of possible outcomes, the large jump in value a standard deviation measures, and the fact that
wealthy countries are typically able to offer the highest quality of government services. Other
important observations are that inflation loses its significance, IMF credit loses $0.09 of
magnitude, and that the model’s R-squared is drastically higher with the inclusion of the two new
The fourth and final iteration introduces the Gini Index measure. The Gini measure comes out
significant and positive at the 0.05 level, which an interpretation of a $22 average increase in
GDP per capita with every increase unit increase in the 1-100 measure. This suggests that GDP
per capita is positively related with income inequality within our model. This iteration was
purposefully designed to determine the optimal model for advanced analysis, as the limited
observations of the Gini Index needed to be weighed against the benefits of its inclusion.
The Gini Index shrunk the effect of IMF credit down to a magnitude of $0.14 while also
returning significance to the effect of inflation and being significant itself. The number of
observations drop as expected to 821 from 2400 while the R-squared measure also drops by 0.07.
However, vif scores do not suggest that any multicollinearity is introduced with the inclusion of
Gini Index, and the importance of adding additional controls in the already limited model takes
precedent in this situation. Furthermore, the joint hypothesis test including all three variables
proved to be statistically significant. Although a hard decision to make, iteration four and the
Gini Index is chosen as the optimal model to continue to advanced analysis.
It should be noted that robust standard errors were used within all initial regression modeling, as
concerns of heteroskedasticity were present in all model specifications. The White test was
conducted to each of the four model interactions, and it was found that heteroskedasticity was
present in all four. Therefore, robust standard errors were turned to in order to dampen any
negative effects of the heteroskedasticity and to obtain more appropriate and trustworthy
coefficient estimates.
The potential issues caused by omitted variable bias also raise concern in this context, however,
much less can be done to address this. Given the nature of the primary research question and how
intricate the factors at play are, there is a large chance that multiple explanatory variables are
endogenous as a result of unobserved factors that the dataset does not have information on. This
could cause the estimators to be biased but given the relatively limited amount of data this
project has access to, there are no obvious avenues to avoid this issue. This is another
justification for including the Gini Index variable in the final iteration, as its inclusion will
hopefully control for even more unrealized variables that are playing a part behind the curtain of
this research question.
While the results of these initial estimators provide interesting and helpful results to begin
expanding upon further, in and of themselves, they leave much to be desired. These estimates are
referred to as pooled OLS estimates and do not explicitly address the panel structure of our
dataset. They are not capturing any of the unique country-specific factors that are very much
alive within the observations. The pooled OLS estimator clumps all observations together and
creates a single slope and intercept based off the values every country takes on across time. We
know, however, that it is likely that county-specific differences would reveal themselves if slopes
were created within each clustering of a nation’s time observations and would not result in a
singular intercept. These are relationships that must be controlled for to derive the most accurate
and reliable results possible. These issues will be addressed in the part IV, as more advanced
panel estimators will be utilized to control for these factors.
IV. Advanced Analysis
Given that the dataset contains 190 contries all with their own unique GDP per capita trajectory
throughout time along with unique social, political, cultural, and socio-economic landscapes; a
panel estimator is necessary to consider when analyzing a question such as that of IMF credit
effects on GDP per capita. Both a random effects and fixed effects panel estimator will be run in
this analysis, however the case will be made for the superiority of the fixed effects estimator in
this situation. These results will then be compared to the pooled OLS estimator drawn from the
preliminary analysis revealing some very stark differences in both coefficient directions and
The introduction of the random effects estimator undoubtably has potential to add further
efficiency to our estimates, as in theory it is able to account for individual country-level random
effects while the pooled OLS estimators from Figure 1 do not explicitly account for these pivotal
country level differences. The random effects (RE) estimator is the Feasible Generalized Least
Squares (FGLS) estimator for the country-level random effects by grouping the observations by
country. When its assumption hold, this makes the RE estimator more efficient than the pooled
OLS estimator, as it is able to derive a different intercept for each individual country grouping.
The pooled OLS estimator, on the other hand, was blind to these clusters and had to estimate a
slope and intercept based solely on the combined observations of every nation, hence the
‘pooled’ term used to describe it. The result is that the RE estimator can provide much more
precise estimates if the assumptions needed hold.
The gains in efficiency the RE estimator realizes from this difference are not without the
downside of more stringent assumptions having to be made. The RE estimator is built upon the
‘random effects assumption’ that assumes that the covariance of all unobserved individual
heterogeneity must be uncorrelated with all explanatory variables present in the model. It also
assumes strict exogeneity, meaning that the explanatory variables must be uncorrelated with the
present and future values of the error term. Both the random effects assumption and the
assumption of strict exogeneity are likely not valid in this data setting, as concerns of
endogeneity within the model were pointed out previously.
Without these assumptions holding, the RE estimator loses much of its power and becomes
inconsistent and biased. The pooled OLS estimator, on the other hand, relies only on
contemporaneous exogeneity and no random effects assumption, which requires only that the
explanatory variables be uncorrelated with the error term of the current time period. This is a
much weaker assumption to be violated, however, as stated before, the pooled OLS estimator
does not include controls for group level random effects as a result.
Furthermore, concerns of heteroskedasticity have also already been raised and accounted for as
best as possible within the pooled OLS estimator, which leaves the efficiency of the RE estimator
further into question even when compared to that of the pooled OLS. These issues create a
trickey environment, as the efficiency gained by grouping observations by individual country has
obvious benefits, but the strength of assumptions needed for the RE estimator to hold seems to
be too heavy for the dataset. Thankfully, the fixed effects (FE) panel estimator may provide a
helpful alternative.
The fixed effects estimator is extremely powerful in this situation, as it sidesteps the need for the
random effects assumption to hold. The FE estimator essentially takes all of the unobservable
country-level variables that are time constant and averages them out across time to control for
their effects. This process referred to as a ‘within transformation’ eliminates all individual time
constant heterogeneity from the error term and leaves an estimator that is immune to time
constant unobserved variables that cause bias and inconsistency issues to plague both the pooled
OLS and RE estimators. This element of the FE estimator makes it a prime candidate for this
specific data problem and provides an avenue to escape from the problems caused by these
previously broken assumptions.
Figure 2 shows the pooled OLS estimator (1) along with both the RE estimator (2) and the FE
estimator (3) all running the same model used as the final iteration from Figure 1.